Noun Phrase Poster Educational grammar poster KS1 KS2


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Noun phrase poster. Developed by a grammarian, this poster will help children learn how to create detailed and effective expanded noun phrases, whilst helping them to become more familiar with a range of grammatical concepts. Have fun creating crazy sentences based on the model… I love my old, wrinkled shoes that twinkle brightly behind the hedge… I love that magnificent, golden elephant that dances on top of the shed… I love these stale, tasteless cakes that I found under the wardrobe! Links directly to English National Curriculum KS1 & KS2. The font used on this poster is Open Dyslexic ( to increase readability for dyslexic users.

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Matt 230gsm, Satin 190gsm


A2 (42 × 59.4 cm), A1 (59.4 × 84.1 cm), A0 (84.1 × 118.9 cm)